Monday, July 20, 2009

Is caffeine safe during pregnancy?

The use of caffeine-containing beverages like coffee and tea is extremely widespread in society. You can also find caffeine in many of the other things you eat and drink on a daily basis: many sodas, cocoa, and chocolate.

The risk of caffeine intake during pregnancy is a controversial issue. Some studies show that small amounts of caffeine are safe, while others indicate that caffeine during pregnancy is not healthy for the baby. Although studies show that moderate caffeine consumption is probably safe during pregnancy, you need keep limit your daily caffeine.

Researchers have reported that there is probably a greater risk of low birth weight in pregnant women consuming the caffeine equivalent of greater than eight cups of coffee per day. Because of these effects, you may want to limit your consumption of caffeine during pregnancy and substitute healthy fluids without caffeine, such as water, milk and fruit juices.


  1. for me yes, even though i haven't been pregnant yet

  2. hmmm some studies say that it may cause distress in the fetus that includes hyperactivity, tachycardia...and likes....

  3. I think so. when i was pregnant, i did not drink coffee but i drink after delivery coz i like coffee

  4. The risk of caffeine intake during pregnancy is a controversial issue. Because some studies result shows that small amounts of caffeine are safe same as others searches shows that caffeine during pregnancy is not healthy for the baby.
