Saturday, June 18, 2011

Importance of mulch for your garden

An important way of increasing the organic matter and nutrient availability of your soil is to use mulch. The mulch is placed on the soil surface where it forms a kind of cover or protection, Mulching of a soil surface can improve the fertility of the soil, reduce weed growth and water loss and increase crop yields in almost all farming systems, although the effect is often more dramatic in dry regions than in humid ones because mulching reduces evaporation. This means that less watering is necessary. This saves time, money and is environmentally desirable.

Mulching is an important step for any type of garden. Mulching begins with selecting a suitable mulch material for the project site. To find a wide selection of mulch materials you can go to local garden centers. Most garden centers sell different qualities and colors of mulch. You can also find mulch suppliers by do a little research on the Internet.


  1. Mulch in itself is material that is spread out over and around the roots of what you have planted. Mulch is very beneficial to the soil. Mulch is a very important component of the landscape.

  2. Mulch is a material made from other garden materials that is then laid across the surface of the soil.Reduces soil erosion caused by wind and rain. This is a fantastically important benefit.

  3. Well Mulching is very essential part in your garden as it improves the fertility of the soil.So its best for the Gardening and Crops.Which saves your time and money too.I like your sharing about it.

  4. Mulch helps preserve water and regulate the temperature in your soil. Mulching is probably comes from people’s experience of lawnmowers which simply discharge the cuttings onto the lawn without being mulched. Mulch is the material that gets spread out over and around the roots.

  5. Mulch keeps evaporation loss to a minimum, meaning that you lose a lot less water to evaporation.This material can help the soil underneath to retain moisture and also if the right one is used can improve the condition of it.

  6. The quality of mulch material you use in your garden should be of a very high standard.Compost is the best mulch in my opinion.
